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<!-- /*--><!--/*--> "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> SABI NAIJA BLOG: Be Inspired: he tweeted 'Facebook turned me down' In 2014: he sold his company to Facebook for $21.8bn

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Be Inspired: he tweeted 'Facebook turned me down' In 2014: he sold his company to Facebook for $21.8bn

Meet Brian Action. In 2009, he applied for a job in both Facebook and Twitter and was turned down by both companies. 5 years later, Facebook bought his company, Whatsapp, for $21.8billion.

Forbes Profile of Brian Acton:

Computer engineer Brian Acton
Applied for a job at Facebook in 2009 and didn't get it. In August 2014 Facebook paid Acton more than $3 billion in stock and cash as part of its $19 billion acquisition of WhatsApp, the messaging startup he co-founded with fellow programmer Jan Koum

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