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<!-- /*--><!--/*--> "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> SABI NAIJA BLOG: MUST WATCH: Cow And Bull Get Married In Wedding Ceremony Costing $17,000

Thursday, 17 April 2014

MUST WATCH: Cow And Bull Get Married In Wedding Ceremony Costing $17,000

 More than 5,000 villagers turned up to watch sacred cow Ganga and Prakash get hitched during the 1 million rupee Hindu ceremony held near Indore in Madya Pradesh.

A cow and a bull have been married off in a lavish Indian wedding - costing $17,000.

The nuptials were organised by Ganga's guardian, Gopal Patwari, to save the region's harvest from a 'natural disaster'.
He said: "Natural calamities like hailstorms and heavy rain occurred in nearby areas, destroying their crops.To prevent this from happening to our villages we organised this wedding on the advice of Sadhus and holy men. 
 We have been told this will maintain peace in our village."
The wedding took two months to organise and invitations were sent to 10,000 residents of three closely connected villages, encouraging them to donate what they could spare.

Most are farmers growing wheat, barley, beans and cotton and so heavily depend on a good harvest to survive.
So it was no surprise when more than 5,000 arrived in droves on Monday, April 14, to witness the no-expense-spared wedding - and few left disappointed.

CowGanga, who is considered sacred in the Hindu religion, arrived early dressed in a red custom-made bridal saree, jewels, dyes and a garland.

The bull Prakash arrived in a decorated bugee and draped in a multicoloured sherwani and orange turban.

The ceremony started with Mr Patwari giving Ganga away before a Sadhu performed all the traditional rituals.

This included Haldi, Ganesh Pooja, Mandap and Fera - where the couple are led around a sacred fire to affirm the marriage.

Mr Patwari looked overjoyed as they were finally announced a couple, sparking hours of feasting and dancing to a DJ.

He said: "I am happy. People around me are happy. Everyone is happy.
From here on we hope Ganga and Prakash lead a happy life together, just like a normal man and wife. 

They will go on and have children who will be happy and prosperous.

We expect Hindus of our village not to forget our holy cow and remember their religion.
The next generations especially should not forget. We want more weddings like this to take place in the future."

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