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<!-- /*--><!--/*--> "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> SABI NAIJA BLOG: Liz Awoliyi: Sharing Your Good News with the Right People!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Liz Awoliyi: Sharing Your Good News with the Right People!!

So, I read an interesting Facebook status a couple of weeks ago about Nigerian ladies getting pregnant and hiding it from friends’ – and I realized so many of my own ‘friends’ did this.

It’s a Nigerian thing, our elders implore us to have this way of thinking, and it seems they are right on this one, and on sharing your good news in general.

It’s only natural to want to share with the world that you’re happy or that you’ve got great news!

It may be hard to fathom, but do you realize that there are some people who can’t stand hearing good news about others’ awesome accomplishments? Sometimes, they think you’re showing off, being arrogant, and generally taking pleasure in rubbing your good news in their face –this in turn rubs them up the wrong way!

Wisdom is needed. Life is full of bitter people who find it hard to celebrate other people’s good news – especially when things are not working out as great for them.

With certain people, when they know the source of your happiness, they want to attack it! Simply by over sharing your good news, you’re putting yourself at risk. Some people thrive by stealing other people’s happiness or knocking their source of joy.

Naturally, we believe that sharing our good news with another person can only bring about good. Sharing your positive experiences with others, brings you pleasure, but is it bringing the listener any joy?
Watch how friends and even close relations respond to your good news.
You: “I got a first class”
Friend: “Well, your course wasn’t that hard really.”

Have you ever been hurt by a close friend or relation being entirely unmoved by good news that meant so much to you.
You: “I finally got a flat on the island”
Friend: “Island that has no water, no light, and you guys are constantly flooded”.
Be careful who you share your good news with. Some people will genuinely be happy for you and celebrate your excitement, whilst others will make you feel like your good news isn’t worth celebrating or being excited about.
Get comfortable with yourself, your decisions and choices without the need to share with others ultimately for approval. Guard Your Truth.

The best solution is to cultivate a habit of spreading your happiness around your inner circle, your mum, dad, husband and kids.
Be careful of who you share your news with, and be sensitive of other people’s feelings.

What are your thoughts on the dissemination of your good news?

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