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<!-- /*--><!--/*--> "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> SABI NAIJA BLOG: ASK SABI9JA: My Husband Slept With My Younger Sister

Monday, 17 February 2014

ASK SABI9JA: My Husband Slept With My Younger Sister

This is the story of a woman whose husband had sex with her younger sister and she is being blamed for the act. She wants to know if it was her fault that her husband decided to sleep with her sister.

Dear Readers,

My husband and I were having marital problems, we were the parents of 2 young toddlers. My kid sister was always getting herself into minor trouble and would always end up staying at our house. My husband and I were not getting along very well, and things had gotten pretty bad, so we had separated yet again, but we always seemed to find our way back to each other.

Well this time while we were separated my kid sister (who was well aware of our problems, and was actually part of the problem, because my husband did not want her staying with us all the time, but I would always take her in) and my husband got together and had sex.

They took some pretty disgusting sex pictures and left them in my pocket book for me to find. My husband and I reconciled, but I could not get over the fact that he had sex with my sister, so we have separated for good. Good riddance.

Now the problem is, my sister wants to blame me for her having sex with my husband because I put her in the middle of our fight. I would like to have a relationship with my sister, but I will not and cannot accept the blame for her having sex with my husband. Who is to blame?????


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