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Monday, 3 February 2014

10 tips to get a Girl Sexually Attracted to You

You should never be afraid to express your sexual desires. The most effective way to get girls to attracted to you sexually is to be boldly confident enough to express your sexuality.

1. Accept the reality of our biological nature. Sex is normal and natural. Don’t act like it’s a topic to avoid.

2. Inspire your masculinity. Watch movies, read books and magazines and expose yourself to material that inspires you to be a real man. Expose yourself to Inspiration material that makes you want to be dominant, goal oriented and badass enough to go beat up some ninjas. Not media that emasculates men into whiny little bitches with no balls.

3. Accomplish Something Every Day First of all, you should have goals, if you don’t have goals you are not a real man. And the more time you devote to accomplishing your goals, every day, the bigger sense of self-accomplishment will be. The more you accomplish, the more confident you will feel. And that confidence is the fire of your sexual vibe.

4. Be honest with yourself. Admit to yourself what you need to improve to make your physically appearance and personality more attractive to others.

5. Exercise stay in shape, eat well and build some muscle. Girls love touching my six pack. And the healthier you look and feel the more sexually attractive you are.

6. Practice Dominant Body language. Demonstrating Alpha male body language ma kes you more attractive.   You should also have presence, if you want to be able to attract anyone’s attention.

7. Don’t be afraid of touching. Invade her space and be willing to make her comfortable with your touch. You can do it in playful ways, but it’s not necessary to go crazy with the kino.

8. Be comfortable expressing sexuality. Never avoid being offensive by avoiding sexual topics or innuendo. Delivered in a playful, non-serious attitude you are setting the frame for sexuality in your interactions.

 9. Be Passionate about your Life. Do what you love. Practice your favorite activities. Having strong passions in your life is attractive and keeps you in an infectiously good mood.

10.  Be Direct. After you've introduced sexual innuendo and talked a bit about what you’ve both done sexually, don’t be afraid to verbally escalate even more..


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